In a lot of ways, my background as a musician has cemented this need in me: the never-ending, at-times-exhausting want to tap people into the incredible spectrum of emotions we feel through ways we can’t really identify. Perhaps something might resonate through the light in a photograph, or sometimes it’s through a chord change. Or how a frame is composed, maybe. Sometimes the spark lives in the timing of an edit or the colors of an image and how they belong together - or just importantly - don’t. Regardless of what the driver is, the payoff is always intensely gratifying when those feelings find a home.

Most days you can find me with some type of camera in my hands or in edit bay. Currently, I’m working on a mini documentary I’m obsessed with while trying to write a record sometime this century. I’m a proud dog dad and *knocks on wood* have a ton of happy plants in my apartment. Someday soon I hope to see more of this world.